Technically this is my third day of no Starbucks, but it's during the week that I have my problem so I'll just count today as day one.

I was so proud of myself-I brought my breakfast and stuff to make hot chocolate by scratch. I'll have to adjust the recipe as it was a little funky but the point is I didn't go to Starbucks!

I felt pretty good in the morning. In fact, my neuropathy-which has been a nightmare-seemed to be a little better. I was able to get up and walk without feeling like I was crippled which is saying something. But, by the afternoon I had a pounder of a headache and my neuropathy was so bad I thought someone was squeezing the life out of my poor legs and feet.

But, here is where meditation comes in. I did do it several times throughout the day, and just tried to focus on my breathing instead of my pain. Not sure how much it worked, but I'll keep trying.

Overall, I would say today was a success!

Have you heard the song "Blessed Be the Name"? Well, part of the lyrics go "You give and take heart will choose to say Lord blessed be your name".

That gave me an idea for something. Since I am trying to get healthier, and a complete makeover seems daunting, I came up with "Living with Intent-a 90 Day Challenge". I will take away one bad habit and replace it with a better one for 90 days. I think the 90 days came about as I go to chemo every 3 months and it's just become a marker of time in my life.

So, I am taking away Starbucks (gasp!!)and replacing it by meditating 5 minutes everyday.

If anybody knows my love for Starbucks, it's a bigger deal than it seems. But as I've looked over the last year since I've returned to work, I realize that it is a habit I've formed and wish to relinquish. And, I've heard that meditation can help with all kinds of things including stress, sleep, health so I figured it can only do me good to begin in earnest.

I will check back in periodically to give updates.

Here's to living with intent!

11 months ago today I was given a second chance at life. I used to post on my facebook account every month on my anniversary date "6 months remission!" "9 months remission!" but stopped after a while. I guess I figured with each passing month maybe people were tired of me talking about it, or maybe I was making a bigger deal about it then I should.

Well, I realized it is a big deal and something that should be celebrated. Because with each passing month being cancer free means one more month of celebrating life, of releasing fear that holds me back from pursuing my dreams. If I can get through intensive chemotherapy and make it out relatively harmless, then I can do pretty much anything.

Back in February I couldn't in a million years imagine how my life would be like today. Yes, it is more stressful than I would like. Yes, I still am recovering physically/emotionally from this journey. BUT the simple fact is I can go to work each day. I can feel like I am accomplishing something. This journey has given me more strength then I knew was inside of me. Because of my faith, because of my amazing family, and the friends who have cheered me on, I endured something I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy.

It's because of where I was and where I am today that I will continue to celebrate each month being cancer free, even if it's a silent "woo hoo!" I need the reminder so I never become complacent or blase with life.

I can't wait to see where the next 11 months takes me. Thank you God, and thank you my family and friends!

I haven't written in a long time. Life has just been going at the speed of sound and sometimes it's hard to keep up.

2012 is here and with that I am excited at the possibilities it will bring. I don't really make resolutions, but I did decide to come up with a word that would encompass what I hope 2012 will be: Renewal.

It started out with me getting a new car. I had no intentions of getting one until my mom came home with a beautiful Jeep Patriot. That got me thinking about my own car-one I got in 2010 five months before getting diagnosed with cancer. Once that got in my head, all I could see was that it was my "cancer car" taking me to treatments, appointments, etc. It became clear to me that I would no longer view my car the same way. And with that, I decided I needed a fresh start. After all, 2012 was going to be a great year. How could it not when my 1 year remission anniversary is next month? So, I traded my car in for a shiny black Patriot. I have no regrets doing it-I am in love! Oh, and by the way, his name is Rick.

Yes, I named my car. Rick is a strong, dependable Jeep that won't take nothing from nobody. I admit, he could lose some weight-he barely fits in my garage. But, I love him regardless.

So, overall life is going well. There are some residual effects from the chemo treatment that I could do without. But, I still have hope that one day soon these effects will subside. I need to make some changes in my life that may help-how can it not? I am thinking of going partially raw/vegan. I am going to begin by drinking antioxidant rich green drinks. They look like sludge but aren't half bad. I even got myself a juicer that I plan to use once I can actually get it out of the box.

What I am trying to do here is plant some seeds. Changes take time, and I want them to be lasting. I am grateful for the opportunity to do it.

I was on my way home from work today listening to Il Divo. Don't know who they are? Well, here is a picture to grab your attention:

Il Divo is a multi-national pop-opera group that sing in several languages. Whether it's in French, Italian, or Spanish, their music goes straight to my heart. It doesn't hurt that they are easy on the eyes. But it's more than that. They each have a distinct sound, and together they are pure magic. My all time favorite song is a french ballad "Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore" (For You to Love Me Again). I have heard it hundreds of times and it still pierces my heart.

So, I'm driving down the freeway, and I've got the volume high. I'm singing along because I took French I in the 8th grade and recognize a word here and there. I'm even trying to roll my R's but it's not coming out as well as Sebastien (the French guy from the group) makes it sound. Never mind that-because I can sing phonetically, or as I like to say: finetically!

I have had the greatest pleasure of seeing Il Divo in concert twice. The second time was close enough for them to watch me sing along with them. Not in the language they were singing, but in the way it sounded to me. And honestly, I liked it that way. I may have looked silly because I was trying to roll my R's and don't really have a clue what they are saying, but I can tell you this: heartache and love speak all languages. And the men from Il Divo convey such raw, powerfully beautiful emotion that I don't need to know the translation. It's ok that I just sing along "finetically" because the words are reaching my soul.

I can't wait for their new album Wicked Game to come out this month. I've already pre-ordered it and it should arrive in the mail next week. I highly recommend checking it out. Trust me, you'll learn to love Carlos, Urs, David, and Sebastien as much as I do. Then you'll be going to Il Divo concerts and singing phonetically like the rest of us!

No surprise, I went to Starbucks yesterday. I was so excited to learn that they now have their mocha base in sugar free. Gimmee a grande I tell them. And they have their holiday cups now-even better!

I was not a huge fan. It tasted...well...artificial. A couple of hours later I had a killer headache and felt awful. Granted, I don't feel good on most days and have been sporting a nasty cold for 2 weeks, but this was different. Wait; I DO know this feeling...I get it when I consume certain things like MSG or Carrageenan (a thickening agent that can create an MSG reaction). Oh crap, what have I done? Once consumed there is nothing to make it better except time. I was doomed. And I had only had 1/2 of my drink. I can't imagine what it would have been like had I drank the whole thing.

So, I spent the day feeling like I wanted to die (figuratively). Hitting my head (literally) for doing something so stupid. I know better. I should know better than to try something new without reading the ingredients. But no, I was taken in by the lure of what I thought would be sugar free goodness. Don't be fooled! By evening, the effects of the carrageenan had almost worn off and I was starting to feel more like myself.

This morning, I had to prove to myself that this new mocha base indeed had either MSG (unlikely) or carrageenan (likely). When I went there and asked to see the ingredients, I was looked at as if I had grown 2 heads. Is it that difficult to accomodate a simple request? Begrudgingly they brought me the box and sure enough, at the bottom of the ingredient list there it was in neon letters: CARRAGEENAN. I was satisfied I was not losing my mind and went on my merry way.

Ok, so I ordered a different drink, but this time I got something with ingredients I could pronounce. And I am happy to announce I feel fine-at least as fine as I can feel while being sick.

Sadly my weekend adventure to a local casino did not bring me the funds I had hoped for, but a hole in my wallet and some fond memories. There is a good reason for the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only". They should also have a disclaimer "may cause repetitive injury syndrome" as I left with a sore shoulder from pushing the slot machine button so much!

In any event, I had a good time with my mom. We love eating at the buffet-did you know it's calorie free? I was amazed to learn this! So I piled up and enjoyed every morsal, knowing there was no way it would reach my stomach or thighs.

You'd understand my surprise after I washed my jeans but they wouldn't button. I must have washed them in hot water by mistake..

Since I wasn't able to retire I suppose I must get back to work!

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About Me

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My life forever changed in October 2010 when I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Now in remission, I plan to make the most out of life and find out where this new road will take me. I'm a budding novelist determined to complete my first book, and have a crazy desire to get healthy. Follow me as I dare to dream!
